Crazy Animator - Animation Exercises story board has begun!


    Frequently Asked Questions

    1)  What Crazy Animator(Story board Animation) is all about?

    A)   CRAZY ANIMATOR(Story board Animation) is an online medium through which we will help you to improve your animation skills but with a professional approach, and how do we do that is by providing you with a story board for every month to work on.

    2)  Who and how one could participate?

    A)   Everyone, who can animate and willing to go to the next level in their animation are always welcome. For participation all you have to do is register as a user, enter the monthly exercise page and submit your video like there, that’s it as simple as that.

    3)  What is the start and End date for the exercises?

    A)   Exercise starts on 1st of every month and lasts till mid night of the last date of the month, the grading will be announced on the third day of the consecutive month

    4)  Is it competition?

    A)   No, This is only improve your animation skills and showing your talent, and most important this exercise will help your interview test.

    5)  Is there any medium limitation like you should participate in like cg, stop motion, graphical etc.

    A)   There is no limited to any medium(cgi,2D stop motion, paper graphics any creative medium will be, and the software also don't come into picture ), regarding the rigs use only the once that are freely available online which gives you the right to use them in your short film or in your demo reels or the once made by yourself and don't use the copy righted rigs if you are using a copy righted rig make sure you take the permission of the owner and forward the same confirmation you received from the owner to us so that we don't treat your entry as disqualified.
    The only thing we ask the users is not to be abusive of any kind to anyone. Put up your best effort and all the best for the exercise.



    1)  What would I win if I do well?

    A)   Firstly this is not a computation this is just an animation exercise put up by us every month, there won’t be any losers or winners just plain knowledge gainers.

    2)  Is the work be critiqued by the experts in the field?

    A)  We are currently looking towards that, presently we are not able to afford the masters in the field to critic form our side and we personally don’t want to involve in the evaluation of users work as it would be prejudice in some way. For the first few months we go without critics and just grads given by the user for the other participants, If any one who is interested in giving the critic do come forward by sending your details to the admin.

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